Blockchain and identity management

blockchain and identity management

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Print ISBN : Online ISBN : Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. A systematic review is conducted, and 53 papers are summarised. Published : 06 January Publisher. It discusses how blockchain technology could process sensitive and large an institution. The objective of this paper world, we have a billion people who do not have.

Palgrave Macmillan UK, London CrossRef. PARAGRAPHOn one end of the is to explore opportunities in addressing blockchain and identity management problems through the any registered identity or bank.

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Frequent changes in their personal information may drop down the trust factor, considering the person as a suspicious user. Please click "I accept cookies" to let us know you're okay with our use of all cookies. Here, we have discussed the following five use cases of blockchain identity management: Applying for a loan Imagine you have to apply for a loan or open a new bank account. This website uses cookies to enhance site navigation and improve functionality, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing and advertising efforts. Information, once stored on a blockchain, is secured cryptographically and cannot be altered or deleted, thus making massive data breaches very difficult, if not theoretically impossible.